Admission fee:Free
May 18, 2021
13:30 - 16:30
A new Imperial College London Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication (DigiFAB) will be launched on Tuesday 18 May 2021 13.30-16.30 (BST). It is a unique Institute dedicated to digital molecular design and fabrication. DigiFAB is a key priority of Imperial’s Academic Strategy and it is a flagship project working across all faculties and departments.
DigiFAB’s vision is to transform chemical design, discovery and manufacturing by moving away from slow, labour-intensive manual methods, to highly automated, data-driven approaches that capitalise upon advances driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution and work with both academic and industrial partners.
The Institute is led by Professor Sophia Yaliraki working together with the DigiFAB Executive (Dr Becky Greenaway, Dr Camille Petit, Professor Claire Adjiman, Dr Felice Torrisi, Dr Kim Jelfs, Professor Klaus Hellgardt, Professor Mimi Hii), its Research Board, and the External Advisory Board. The Institute is underpinned by four research pillars: Automation; Data and Modelling; Synthesis and Processes; and Sensors and Characterisation Platforms.
The Launch Programme (Subject to change)
Tuesday 18 May 2021 (13.30-16.30, BST)
13.30: Welcome
13.35: DigiFAB – an Imperial Academic priority
Professor Ian Walmsley FRS, Provost, Imperial College London
13.50: DigiFAB – its vision and introduction to the Institute
Professor Sophia Yaliraki, Director of DigiFAB, Imperial College London
14.20: Digital molecular design and fabrication funding strategy and landscape (TBC)
14.40: Computers and automated synthesis, learning to work together to accelerate porous material discovery
Dr Kim Jelfs, Dr Becky Greenaway, DigiFAB Leads, Imperial College London
15.20: Keynote: Universal Synthesis Machines and Chemputation
Prof. Lee Cronin FRSE, FRSC, Regius Chair of Chemistry, University of Glasgow
15.50: Digital molecular design and fabrication – the international landscape
Professor Donna Blackmond, The Scripps Research Institute and Chair of the DigiFAB External Advisory Board
16.20: Closing remarks
Professor Oscar Ces, Head of Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London
16:30: End of event
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